About The Publisher: Jillian Smith

Smith Family Portrait Fall 2024

Hey, I'm Jillian! I'm here to bring all the fun activities and excitement from Chico and beyond to one place for you to enjoy! Consider me your local resource. I have called Chico my home since 2001 and absolutely love it here! 

I have three kids born in 2012, 2015, and 2022. That means I'm Mom, Mommy, and Mama! I have been so blessed to be able to stay home for my kids, and now that I'm your MacKID Publisher, I'm even more blessed to be able to give back to my community in this way, contribute to our household, and still be home for my family!

These past ten+ years I have been an active community parent and was deeply involved in the Chico Mothers' Club. It really is a great place for moms and our kids! I've learned so much about what this area has to offer, what families are looking for, and how to give back locally. 

While I know the most about Chico, I will also be providing events, activities, and more for Corning, Durham, Forest Ranch, Hamilton City, Magalia, Orland, Oroville, and Paradise! If you have an event you'd like me to share please use this link.